If you are brushing your teeth and see blood, don’t panic. There are several reasons why your gums may start bleeding. However, not all of them are concerning or related to your oral hygiene. Therefore, the first thing you should do is talk to your dentist. Then, both of you can get to the root of the issue and stop your gums from bleeding.
Brushing Too Hard
Occasional bleeding gums may not be a cause for alarm. It is entirely possible to make your gums bleed by brushing too hard. While you brush, remember to do so gently. To get a good clean, you don’t have to brush hard. You only need to brush in gentle circles for at least two minutes. This will allow you to brush all surfaces of your teeth thoroughly.
Additionally, it would be best if you also had a soft-bristled toothbrush. Using a hard-bristled brush can be too abrasive for your teeth and gums, leading to irritation.
Hormonal changes can cause gums to bleed. For example, bleeding gums are common among pregnant persons. This is because there is an influx of hormones that make the gums more sensitive. Therefore, the gums are more susceptible to bleeding. Additionally, other transition periods in life can cause bleeding gums, e.g., puberty or menopause.
There are other medical conditions that can make your gums bleed. For example, vitamin C or Vitamin K deficiencies can cause bleeding gums. If you have good oral hygiene, you may want to have a discussion with your doctor. Again, it could be the result of a medical condition.
Dental Appliances
Occasionally, you may experience bleeding with common dental appliances. For example, if you have dentures, you might have developed a sore. If your dentures do not fit properly, it can cause irritation. Additionally, this can happen if you wear your dentures for too long without giving your gums a break.
Taking your dentures out at night is essential to let your gums and supporting tissues rest. In fact, you can actually accelerate bone loss due to the constant pressure of dentures. Also, your dentures need time to soak in a bacteria-free environment to prevent infection and gum disease.
One of the leading causes of bleeding gums is oral hygiene. If you don’t brush or floss properly, your gums can become inflamed, causing them to bleed. This condition is called gingivitis and can progress into periodontitis if not treated.
The reason your oral hygiene is a factor relates to plaque. Plaque is a form of bacteria that clings to your teeth. If it stays on your teeth and under your gum line too long, it can cause irritation and inflammation. As this progresses, your teeth and soft tissues can begin to decay. This is because plaque produces an acid that wears away at your enamel.
Additionally, your gums start to recede, allowing more plaque to develop. Unfortunately, this can eventually lead to tooth and bone loss.